Rediscovering Nantes: Our New Love Story with the City
One of our absolute favorite cities in France is Nantes. In 2017, when we first visited Nantes, it was simply love at first sight. Nantes is such a vibrant, lively city—innovative, alternative, and inspiring. The culturally vibrant Nantes of today would have been hard...

Growing your own piment d’Espelette – a self-experiment
During our road trip along the French Atlantic coast, we had the fortune to visit a farm in the foothills of the Pyrenees that cultivates Piment d'Espelette. This is a special chili pepper, AOP-certified, which means it can only bear the name Piment d'Espelette if it...

Urban gardening, upcycling, vertical gardening? The green desk is all in one!
Anyone who, like us, dreams of a desk in the greenery might like our green desk. Our basic idea: to build a desk that offers a writing surface and at the same time is a large planter. A piece of furniture that is reclaimed by nature. Here is our guide! But before we...

Missed the programme? Here you can see the TV programme about our vertical garden for the windowsill
Of course, we made ourselves comfortable in front of the TV yesterday evening at 7:05 PM and turned on Pro 7: because that’s when the segment about our DIY project "The Hanging Edible Gardens in the Living Room" was on. Did you miss the show and want to watch the...

Vertical garden in the living room – with DIY instructions!
Nearly two weeks have passed since the Galileo shoot: here is our compact guide for the vertical indoor kitchen garden. The whole project took us a day, because having a TV crew around naturally takes time. However, the reproduction should not take more than two...

Making chili powder yourself
Making chili powder yourself? Exactly, we’ve tried that once before. Without success. The chilies were still too moist after drying, and we couldn’t process them into powder. However, due to the many comments advising us to turn at least part of our chili harvest into...

Grow your own pineapple!
Admittedly, the idea is neither new nor ours. The truth is, my parents practiced this already in the 70s, but for many people and gardeners, the topic has fallen into oblivion. But what exactly are we writing about? It’s about cultivating a pineapple plant within your...

Small upcycling project: old watering can, new planter.
Do you also have beautiful gardening accessories or other items that can no longer be used for their original function? Maybe they are suitable for upcycling! We have given our old, trusty watering can a second life. And since this old lady has always had a special...

Dandelion! – A song of praise for the underestimated little flower
One of our favorite flower and garden-related quotes is: "To the sad, every flower is a weed; to the happy, every weed is a flower". But even this saying doesn't seem to do justice to the dandelion. Even the cheerful and friendly gardeners in our circle of friends...

Salad tree 2.0 – more sustainable and plastic-free from bamboo
First of all, we would like to thank all our readers for the great response to our first Salad Tree guide and the many comments, questions, hints, and notes. All this together was a great motivation for us to rethink the "Salad Tree" concept and redesign it in the...